I'm growing more satisfied to just be home, more satisfied reading instead of being on the run, and I hope gaining in understanding of what Christ talked about when He offered us rest in Him, and encouraged a more simple life.
Perhaps the most simple physical need of man, is clean, germ free water. We take it SO for granted - taking long showers, swimming when we choose, drinking directly from the facet, running our washing machines and yet a great deal of our world spends many waking hours trying to provide their family with enough water just to get through each day.
When water filters are built in Guatemala, wells dug in Nepal and water storage and filters provided for the rescued children in Cambodia, it also creates the opportunity to share the top need of all mankind, the eternal rescue that only Jesus can provide. It creates a chance to walk along side of people who had no hope even for their most basic needs, and to give them the true hope found in our Savior!
Today we listened to Crossroads' special guest for the weekend, Gerber describe his country, Guatemala and their needs. We as a staff got to surround him physically to pray for he and his family. We got to physically touch and pray for a man making a great difference in this world. He reminded us how Jesus always used the simple things to accomplish great things. He also talked about how Jesus used what and who were available - very convicting about being 'ready' not too busy!

We prayed for generous offerings this weekend to address the needs of precious, less fortunate people that we love in Guatemala, Cambodia and Nepal. We can send our touch across the world by being faithful this weekend.
Will you help us provide physical life and the hope of Jesus to our brothers and sisters across the world?
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