Sunday, November 29, 2015

weekend report

It was an amazing ending to our Nehemiah series at Crossroads this weekend as Pastor Dave taught Reform to Relapse.

We were lead in worship by our Young adult band as we lifted our voices together in worship!

As I stood and looked around me at the full auditorium I was filled with thankfulness and am so excited to see what God plans to do among our congregation as Pastor Dave challenged us to affect our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ!

A few glimpses of our weekend!

Our setlist:

Announcements:  Leah Hart
Let The Heavens Open
Holy Spirit
Come Thou Fount
I Have Decided To Follow Jesus
Message:  Reform To Relapse - Pastor Dave Vance
Exit Song: Jesus I Come

To watch our services to to

To see what other ministries used in their worship services go to

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