Monday, November 23, 2015

weekend report

It was a glorious weekend as our Nehemiah study continued, our amazing worship team and choir guided us to lift our voices to the Lord and glimpses of Christmas preparation continued!

Take a look!

Worship was amazing!!  I found myself completely lost in it - praising my Savior!!

These guys were manning the front doors waiting to greet everyone - pretty ornery!

Doug and Linda doing a victory lap at the end of the service!

Precious faces waiting for their turn to 'try-out' for the Christmas services!

Zoey singing her heart out at tryouts - so cute!

 Our setlist:

 Announcements on video:  Leah Hart did an excellent job describing the great new curriculum that her children's areas will be using soon!

Start a Fire
Great Are You Lord
From the Inside Out
A Mighty Fortress
Prayer - Jocelyn Nicolas
Message:  Nehemiah Pt. 8: Revival and Renewal - Pastor Dave Vance
Exit Song: Start A Fire

To watch our services on line go to

To see what other ministries used in their services go to

Can't wait to worship again with my brothers and sisters in the Lord next Saturday!

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