My busyness has caused me to neglect intentional prayer recently. I realized last week that I was feeling disconnected from the Lord. Shame on me.
Asking for forgiveness from putting anything before Him - I've enjoyed rich closeness since then and find I'm VERY hungry Spiritually.
Soon after this I heard a pastor on the radio speak on, you guessed it, prayer.
He said - "Prayer is not a device to use to get what we want, our will. But rather to pray over what God's will is. He already has a plan in place. When we pray it isn't God that changes what He had intended to do, it's us that changes. Our prayer should always be motivated out of an understanding of God's Word. When you study it should drive you to prayer."
I want to be driven by the things of God.
Are you like me - often putting earthly things before Him? Busyness is far more dangerous than many other sins. Busyness blinds us to our true priority of putting nothing before our spiritual growth in Him. Other sin is black and white and has a beginning and end even if deemed more evil than busyness.
And so I'm recommitting to a whole lot of praying!
Join me anyone?
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