I was reading in Jonah this morning and came across my notes from a series Pastor Dave, taught previously at Crossroads Church.
This note caught my eye and I felt it was SO applicable to what we're experiencing in our country right now. Events+ Response = Outcome. PROFOUND! He went on to remind us that the only part of that equation we get to participate in or have control over is our Response!
God allows or creates the event because He knows what needs to happen in order to accomplish HIS outcome!
I've seen a lot of disappointing responses to our current circumstances, so what do you says brothers and sisters, can we lay our opinions, our worries and our whining aside and trust God for the outcome? Am I confused and disappointed in our current circumstance? Of course! I had many plans and projects that I had invested tons of times into that all got cancelled!
But, I believe fully that all God needs from me is a controlled - godly response. And possibly to just be quiet! Will you join me?
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