Tuesday, March 5, 2019

building a legacy

My devotions hit me right where I am today.

I was sitting here trying to think of something spectacular that my grandkids will remember on our Tuesday together...

Then I sat down and was quiet long enough for God to speak - I Samuel 16:7&8 talks about God not using what the world expects Him to use.  Samuel looked at all of Jesse's sons' as a candidate for the future king of Israel.  Some were tall in stature, some had accomplishments that were admirable - but Samuel turned to Jesse and said, "Are these all the sons you have?".  Shocked Jesse told him he had the youngest song tending sheep in the field.  Surely God wouldn't make an animal tender king?

The minute Samuel saw David he knew this was the anointed one that God would make king!

Short, dirty probably even smelly - just like the laundry we do each day...

God teaches us what He needs us to learn in our everyday life - usually NOT in the spectacular!

If we're in God's word, quietly spending time with Him he will use us to reach our full potential.

Our grandson excepted Jesus into his heart a week ago.  It wasn't spectacular kids programming that moved him, it was his parents being available to talk with him when he had questions - not on cell phones, not watching TV or playing on-line games - talking...quiet...available.

When I shared this news with my team a week ago at Crossroads praising Jesus - Pastor Dave said "your legacy"...

The only legacy I have to leave is serving my grandkids and my children, being available to those in ministry I serve with, asking God to help me show them what being set-apart from the world and available means.  Nothing spectacular, just being available, just being who God created me to be.

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