It's always interesting when I feel the closest to the Lord.
It's not when I'm enjoying a big accomplishment, a completed assignment or renovation. It's when I touch something that is connected to a memory of simple things. Quiet things. Things possibly overlooked at the time as completely insignificant!
This morning as I pulled an old electric skillet out of the cabinet, I remembered all the times I watched my dad's hands touch this....
He cooked bacon in it for us kids, he used it to make crazy concoctions out of leftovers, things that don't go together at all!
Mostly what this old pan reminded me of, was how valuable time was with him - how fast things change and how much he cared for us.
The other thing that caught my eye was all the old stains. Possibly things he could have scrubbed off in days-gone-by, but now they were here to stay. Cooked into the fiber of the pan forever.
Our heavenly Father longs to touch the stains of my life. He wants to forgive them, forget them - remove them from me as far as the East is from the West, but will I let him?
Why do I choose to hold onto hurts, allowing them to become permanent instead of releasing them to the Savior?
I invited my father to touch my life today - removing stains - renewing me.
Christmas is the story of what it took to offer me this forgiveness and I choose today to receive His touch anew - releasing all the stains and accepting His touch....
My earthly father is in heaven - I don't know what earth awareness God allows us to have once we're with him, but if you can hear me dad, "thanks for touching my life in so many amazing ways growing up, but mostly thanks for making sure I understood the Heavenly Father's touch. I love you and miss you!"
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