Sunday, October 8, 2017

weekend report

How can another weekend be over?  Well it was a good one!

We enjoyed a time of worship followed by an amazing message about "The Proverbs Woman" titled: Family Jewels.  Pastor Dave delivered a powerful message about the impact of a Godly woman on her family and friends, the influence she has on her children and what a tremendous gifting of discernment God has given and how important the correct use of all those words are!

Here's a look at the service.

Mystery guest who we usually find sitting in the
highest point of the auditorium directing!
ok already, it's Arnie!
 Our setlist:

Spirit of the Living God
This is Amazing Grace
Do It Again
How Great Is Our God
Bumper video
Message:  Our Home Pt. 4: Family Jewels - Pastor Dave Vance
Exit Song: How Great Is Our God 

To watch our services go to

Have a great week - let's live for Him and further God's kingdom especially us girls - use your words as if He's standing right in front of us!

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