Saturday, October 7, 2017

so much new

I would assume the hint that any organization is healthy can be evaluated on whether or not new things are happening and new people are joining.

Just as we settle into a new normal - God seems to be moving us in many new directions which equals new opportunities to reach people for the Lord!

I am so thankful to be part of a ministry that constantly changes and where we rarely hear, "But we've always done it this way," most likely because there isn't a this way!  

As we prepare to continue adding new staff and leaders into our ministry - new doors will open.  Each person has a sphere of influence and unique giftedness that can contribute to accomplishing our mission.  Leading People to the Truth that Transforms lives in North Central Ohio and Around the World!

As we move into this exciting new era here at Crossroads, what will your contribution be?

What area of your life do you need to become fully dedicated to the Lord in?  Serving as a volunteer?  Giving? Regular attendance instead of when you feel like it?

As we look around our community, listen to the news or watch tv, it's clear - everyone is searching for purpose in their lives trying everything from working too much doing anything to make money, watching movies and tv shows that are not Christ honoring, being unfaithful in marriage and sadly some claiming to be a believer but really not acting much different than the lost.  All these things leading to emptiness and sometimes to depression or addiction.

We only have the answer to these desperate attempts if we have a relationship with the Lord AND live everyday like we do.  It's heartbreaking to see people who claim the name of Christ - swearing or sharing negative comments on social media, making evil postings that sound no different than the lost.  Leading the unsaved to believe that they're as good as the people claiming to be Christians.  Sad.

Instead let's be set apart from the world as Christ clearly calls us to be - allowing people to see what it means to love the Lord and to know him personally.

Let Crossroads be known as an authentic group of believers that make a difference in our community as we live each day!  Please join us as many new and exciting things will required an even greater commitment from all that worship with us! 

There's 'so much new' - I just cant' wait to see what God has in mind!

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